Create a Sticky Scrolling Effect Using Elementor
Read MorePHP Data Types
Data Types in PHP The values assigned to a PHP variable may be of different data types including simple string and numeric types to more complex data types like arrays and objects. PHP supports a total of eight primitive data types: Integer, Floating point number or Float, String, Booleans, Array, Object, resource, and NULL. These […]
Read MoreNew CSS Features In 2022
Read MoreWordPress add_action
add_action( string $hook_name, callable $callback, int $priority = 10, int $accepted_args = 1 ) Adds a callback function to an action hook. Description Actions are the hooks that the WordPress core launches at specific points during execution, or when specific events occur. Plugins can specify that one or more of its PHP functions are executed at these points, using the Action API. Parameters $hook_name (string) (Required) The name of the […]
Read MoreHow to Increase Your ROI Through scientific SEM?
Donec metus lorem, vulputate at sapien sit amet, auctor iaculis lorem. In vel hendrerit nisi. Vestibulum eget risus velit. Aliquam tristique libero at dui sodales, et placerat orci lobortis. Maecenas ipsum neque, elementum id dignissim et, imperdiet vitae mauris. Habitasse per feugiat aliquam luctus accumsan curae, suspendisse aliquam taciti eros neque, aenean sit iaculis risus […]
Read MoreFollow your own design process, whatever gets you to the outcome.
So what UX and UI trends have we seen so far in 2020, and what more are we headed for this year? Our experts pick seven trends to watch. 1. Subtle Animation Subtle motion can be a simple way to lift an otherwise tired web page, and recently we’re seeing it more and more in […]
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